Butter pistachio cake recipe by Delices and Gourmandises

Here is an easy and fast to prepare Butter pistachio cake recipe presented to you by Delices and Gourmandises.

The story behind butter cakes

Butter cakes have become a classic snack since the recipe was invented in the region of Lorraine. We at Delices and Gourmandises believe that sometime in XVIII century, The Marquise Perrotin De Baumont’s cook was ordered to prepare small cakes intended to be served at a cocktail party. She decided to use a recipe she learnt from her grand-mother by molding the cakes inside scallops. The success of this shell looking cake led it to bear the name of Madeleine Paulmier, who invented it.

Some advices from Delices and Gourmandises when you prepare your Butter Pistchio cakes

To prepare cakes to serve at least 4 people, you will need:

wedding-cake-pistachio– 4 eggs
– 50gr butter
– 110gr flour
– 85gr sugar
– 1/2 bag of baking powder
– 1 spoon of pistachio paste
– 1 spoon of honey or 1 lemon

Preheat your oven to 240C. Then, mix the eggs, sugar, honey, and the lemon zest directly in a big bowl. After that, add flour and baking powder to the mixture. Soften the butter before you add it to the mixture. End the paste preparation by adding pistachio paste to it. Once you get a homogenous mixture, you should have a slightly green color.

In order to get a crispy texture, you can crush some pistachio and add them to the paste. Next, all you need to do is fill the butter cake baking pans or scallops and put them in the oven for about 10 minutes. If you want your butter cakes to have a nice volume, Delices and Gourmandises suggests you leave your paste in the baking pans for 5 minutes before you put them in the oven. Wait a couple minutes after you take them out of the oven before trying the cakes if you want the best taste.

Remember, you will only need about 20 minutes to prepare pistachio butter cakes. For some reason, if you are not able to prepare your own butter cakes, you can always order at Delices and Gourmandises.

Posted on December 20, 2016, in Delices & Gourmandises pastries, recipes, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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